Sunday, July 8, 2012

Day One - "And So It Begins..."

So here we are, another wonderful blog to add to the mountain of the Internet's newfangled society. The idea is that over the next several months, occasionally I'll post a snippet of whatever writing I happen to fancy myself, so that you, the mighty audience, might get a glimpse into my imagination. I warn you, it's a really bizarre place; you never know what you'll find, or who you'll meet, or where you'll wind up. I myself have gotten lost in it so many times I'm not even certain I found my own way back out again.

There'll be action, adventure, romance, destruction, vengeance, and a little zaniness. If you are really interested in the snippets I post, and provided I remember to do so, you'll be able to find most of the full-length versions through Amazon, with handy-dandy links for you to remember.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing all of it. To get us started, here's something I've been sitting on for awhile. Nothing major, and definitely not complete.